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India to Repeal Three Anti-farm Laws

On November 19, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a very remarkable statement referring to the government's decision to repeal three laws on the subject of reforming the country's agriculture. The cancellation procedure, the Indian Prime Minister continued, will be launched as early as the next session of Parliament. He also urged farmers “to return home...

Vladimir Terehov

The Ainu and the Pandemic of Japanese Territorial Claims

Not only has the coronavirus pandemic become worse in Japan lately, but so have the new government’s territorial claims. As soon as Fumio Kishida, Japan’s new Prime Minister, took office in October, he hastened to announce a new round of the land of the rising sun’s territorial claims. As regional media outlets stress, Tokyo has become increasingly...

Valery Kulikov

Erdogan’s Expansion into Africa intensifies

After the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in Turkey in 2002,  became one of the main priorities of Erdogan’s foreign policy. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan does not spend a year without touring Africa: since coming to power in 2002, he has visited 31 African countries, some more than once, notably Algeria, Senegal, Somalia, and South Africa...

Vladimir Danilov