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“President Moon, Where Were You for Six Hours?”

This author has previously written about the clouds gathering over the Moon Jae-in administration as they try to investigate the incident in the Yellow Sea. Recall that on June 16, the Coast Guard Service and the South Korean Ministry of Defense officially announced that there were actually no grounds for the previously advertised version of events that “the victim...

Konstantin Asmolov

Joe Biden’s Risky Strategic ‘U-turn’ on Saudi Arabia

A Middle Eastern state that Joe Biden once vowed to make “pariah” has now become pivotal to the success of the US plot to encircle and defeat Russia, both militarily and economically. This, first and foremost, is the cardinal objective behind Biden’s ‘U-turn’ on his Saudia policy and meeting with a CIA-designated ‘murderer’, Crown Prince Muhammad bin...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

DPRK Recognizes Donetsk and Lugansk

July 13, 2022  North Korea has officially recognized the independence of the DPR and LPR, becoming the third country in the world after Russia and Syria to do so. DPRK Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui sent her counterparts in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics the following letters: “...the DPRK government has decided to recognize...

Konstantin Asmolov