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INF Meltdown, America’s Doomsday Drone Force Revealed

America has developed a secret military capability using both existing drones such as the Global Hawk and Raptor and a newer class of stealth drones based on the RQ180 first seen when captured by Iran some years ago. This is important now with America announcing its withdrawal...

Gordon Duff

Greenspan Waves His Fist After Wall Street Shakes

As Americans brace for an economic downturn, adherents of free market ideology are busily assuring everyone that their ideas must be not be questioned. Just two days after the Stock Market dropped on October 10th, the front page of the Wall Street Journal’s Weekend Review featured...

Caleb Maupin

Democracy “Snuffed Out”

We’re going to pull one moment out of recent American history, one erased, forgotten, “snuffed out” along with the hopes and dreams of a generation. In 1988, a nation exhausted by 8 years of Ronald Reagan, thus far the most corrupt regime in American history, wanted change, wanted reform. Forward stepped billionaire rebel Ross Perot, an independent candidate...

Gordon Duff