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Washington’s Political Capture of the Philippines: A Former Colony, a Future Proxy

Tensions continue to grow in the Asia-Pacific region and more specifically in the South China Sea, where China faces off against the United States and its collection of regional proxies including Japan and Australia. While the US claims these growing tensions stem from China’s desire to undermine “freedom of navigation” and stability in the region, it is instead part of a decades-long US policy of containing China…

Brian Berletic

Deception in the arsenal of the West’s information warfare tools

Given the current unprecedented level of information warfare waged by the Collective West against those countries that do not agree to live under the outdated rules of the current global world order, we are seeing an increasing focus on attempts to expand the range of tools available by using new technologies based on artificial intelligence…

Leonid Gladchenko

Why America is a threat to the world

In the past two decades (2001-2023) since the 9/11 attacks that killed 3,000 people in New York, US wars, both direct and indirect, have caused more than 4 million deaths worldwide. Without mincing words, this is a deadly scenario, where Washington has relied on war as its preferred means of executing foreign policy. Its unabated support for Israel and its continuing supply of weapons to Ukraine are yet another reminder of Washington’s frequent reliance on direct and indirect wars to accomplish its goals…

Salman Rafi Sheikh