20.08.2024 Author: Christopher Black

Canada At War

Canada At War

On the evening of August 11, my companion and I were watching a Russian series about World War Two, Staying Alive, dealing with the first days of the Nazi invasion of the USSR in 1941. It’s an excellent dramatic work depicting the reality of the war and what it meant for the Soviet people. I highly recommend it. You can find it on the Internet. But what, you may ask, has this to do with anything? Well, as we were watching a battle scene and cheering for the Russians outwitting the German Nazis, we heard what, we thought, were fire crackers outside, but it was not a holiday and then the loud bangs of explosions and the sharp crack of rifle fire getting nearer and nearer alarmed us.  For a few seconds, we thought the soundtrack for the film was stunningly realistic, but then I realised we were hearing the real thing. I was an infantryman in the army when I was young and had been in many military exercises and that is what is sounded like and that is what it was.

Alarming Military Exercises and Canada’s Role in the Ukraine Conflict

The explosions and shots became louder, more numerous and seemed to cone from every direction. It lasted about an hour or more. Some of the bangs shook the house. Then we realised Canadian Special Forces units were conducting night exercises in our small town to practice taking such places, which alarmed us even more since we’re watching a Russian film.  Such is the atmosphere here now.

Later, we remembered seeing a notice about military exercises being conducted by army units some weeks before, but they had referred to another time frame. This night’s exercises were unexpected and alarming. The next day, people in town talked about it, but we could find no reports about it anywhere.

On August 16, the Canadian government declared that it gave permission to the Nazi regime in Kiev to use Canadian military equipment and munitions against Russia and inside Russia and praised the Ukraine raid into the Kursk region, attacking mainly civilians, with its soldiers observed adorned with German style helmets with SS insignia on them, acting like barbarians.

In other essays I have warned the citizens of the UK and the USA that their countries are not involved in a “proxy war” with Russia but are direct co-belligerents in the war against Russia. That is, they are directly at war with Russia and Russia has the right to retaliate.  It seems Canadians, lost in a swamp of media propaganda and their own egocentric lives, are totally oblivious to what their government is doing in their name and to the consequences they may face as a result of Canada attacking Russia.

But then Canadians have also brushed aside the sickening incident of September 2023 when every member of the Parliament, with then President Zelensky-he is now without any legal position-and the German ambassador present-cheered and clapped hysterically when a veteran of the Waffen-SS was presented to them as a hero because he had killed Russians and enjoyed it. The fact that Canada was an ally of the USSR in WWII and that its army fought against SS forces was ignored as if it never happened.  Now no one talks about the incident in Parliament.  No one says anything about that day when Canada sank into the sewer of Nazism and drank its foul waters as if it were ambrosia.

I’ve said this before, but it seems people need to hear it over and over again to get the message that Canada’s claim that it is not at war with Russia is an absurdity.

A neutral state, which Canada claims to be, violates its neutrality by breaching its obligation to remain impartial, to not participate in the conflict.  It violates neutrality by supplying warships, aircraft, arms, ammunition, military provisions or other war materials, either directly or indirectly, to a belligerent, by engaging its own military forces, or by supplying military advisors to a party to the armed conflict, by allowing belligerent use of neutral territory as a military base, or for the storage of war material or passage of belligerent troops or munitions in neutral territory, by furnishing troops to a belligerent, or providing or transmitting military intelligence on behalf of a belligerent are also examples of violations of neutrality.

Canada, just as does the USA, UK and other NATO countries, meets all the requirements of a co-belligerent, that is, of a party to the war with Russia; it not only supplies munitions and weapon systems to Ukraine with the objective of attacking Russia and Russian forces in Ukraine it has a direct role in directing the war against Russia, including sending military officers and soldiers to advise and operate with the Ukrainian forces, by supplying the Ukrainian forces with reconnaissance and intelligence data, by providing communications systems, by providing financial aid to Ukraine at the same imposing economic warfare measure on Russia, euphemistically termed “sanctions”.

In fact, Canada’s aggression against Russia began much earlier than 2022.  As part of NATO, it took part in the aggression against Yugoslavia in 1999, its air forces conducting a significant number of bombing raids, which aggression was part of the strategy to attack Russia, eliminating a potential Russian ally, just as Hitler did in 1941. The Georgian attack on Russian forces in 2008 was also supported by NATO. Canada took part in the invasion and twenty year occupation of Afghanistan in 2001, of Iraq in 2003, of the overthrow of President Aristide of Haiti in 2004, took part in the destruction of Libya in 2011, has worked to overthrow the government of Venezuela, and supported the NATO coup in Ukraine in 2014, which overthrew democracy in Ukraine and helped to install a Nazi infected puppet regime in place of the legitimate government. Canadian forces were then sent to train Nazi formations, such as the Azov Battalion and others, and took part in operations against the citizens of the Donbass. Its crimes are many. But no one has held the Canadian government accountable.  But that can change since Russia has the legal right to respond to this aggression.

How that could unfold, we can only speculate. Canada shares a border with Russia in the Arctic. Its territories there are undefended. Canada has no air defences against Russian missile attack.  It’s army and navy and air forces are small.  One can imagine a number of scenarios that could cause Canada serious problems. But the Canadian government seems to think it is untouchable, that the war with Russia will be limited in geographic space to Ukraine, that Canada’s participation in the war against Russia will have no direct consequences for Canada and its people, that Russia will not dare to follow military and political logic and conduct military strikes against Canada. Maybe not. Maybe Russia will treat Canada as nothing more than an annoying fly, and deal with the more serious threats against it. But a fly can be swatted. Yet, the Canadian establishment is unable to see this reality. Those in control are lost in a forest of delusions, leading the Canadian people towards potential disaster, as the gathering storm of war edges ever closer.

The deluded thinking in Canada is an extension of the same psychosis that grips all the halls of power in the western world, a psychosis that has its roots in the deeply troubled societies which have developed in the west and whose causes will be the subject of study of future social scientists and historians if there are any. In fact, these governments display observable and classical symptoms of paranoia and delusional disorders, leading to the complete break with reality that constitutes psychosis.  This is a very dangerous state of affairs because someone who is delusional, who has no grip on reality, who cannot make distinctions between reality and imagination or wishful thinking, will make decisions and take actions that are dangerous to everyone around them, in this case, Russia, and beyond, the whole world.

Historical Parallels and Warnings

On August 19, 1942, a force of Canadian soldiers, with some British troops assisting, took part in Operation Jubilee, a large-scale raid on the French coast port of Dieppe. After less than six hours, mounting casualties forced a retreat. Within ten hours, 3,623 of the 6,086 men who landed had been killed, wounded, or captured.  5,000 were Canadians, who suffered a 68 per cent casualty rate, with 3,367 killed, wounded or taken prisoner. The operation was a fiasco in which only one landing force temporarily achieved its objective.

Evidence, that came to light after the war, supports the conclusion that the operation was meant to fail, that the Germans were forewarned and prepared for the attack, that the raid was meant to convince Stalin – who was the asking the Allies to open a western front against Germany to relieve pressure on the USSR – that it was not possible to establish another front at that time. In other words, the US and UK wanted to give the Germans time to finish off the USSR and only finally established a western front two years later when it was clear the Red Army was sweeping west.

Those Canadian soldiers were lied to and sacrificed on behalf of the greater ambitions of the western ruling elites.  It seems more will be sacrificed in this new war.

Delusional Policies and Potential Consequences

The Canadian government, ever saluting the masters in Washington, leads its people into a dangerous war, which they were never asked about, and which they do not want. It lies to them about the causes, it lies to them about the fighting, and it lies to them about the dangers they face, hides from them the consequences of its actions.  The Canadian people must be warned.  Canada is at war, and no amount of bluffing and lying can protect them from the consequences their government is provoking.


Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto. He is known for a number of high-profile war crimes cases and recently published his novel Beneath the Clouds. He writes essays on international law, politics and world events, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

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