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US Terrorists with US Diplomatic Passports

There has long been no shortage of factual information in various media publications about the USA’s ties with all sorts of gangs and terrorists. The international community has long shared a strong suspicion that the United States is using terrorists to promote its own national interests all over the world. And the conveyor belt of special training and use...

Valery Kulikov

NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg Thinks We’re All Idiots

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is either a nincompoop, or he thinks the rest of us are. A recent statement about Russia concerns over the march eastward of the militarist organization proves on, the other, or both. “The whole idea that you know, it's a provocation to Russia that small neighbors join NATO is absolutely wrong. That's the provocation — that anyone...

Phil Butler

Uyghur Tribunal: US Lawfare at its Lowest

The so-called “Uyghur Tribunal” is promoted across the Western media as an “independent” tribunal. AP claims that it seeks to lay out evidence that will “compel international action to tackle growing concerns about alleged abuses in Xinjiang.” The tribunal - having no legal basis or enforcement mechanism - will clearly be used to help bolster calls for a boycott...

Brian Berletic