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Behind Washington’s growing love for the Global South

Washington’s newly found love for the Global South is hardly a strange development. Having seemingly ‘conquered’ Europe’s foreign policy in terms of forcing it to align with the US vis-à-vis Russia and Ukraine, Washington is now keen to expand its influence to arrest the global political systems’ drift towards a multipolar world. A key reason contributing to Washington’s new approach is that the Ukraine conflict has fairly exposed the limits of the unipolar world insofar as sustaining this system requires military conflict. On the other hand, Russia’s resistance against unipolarity has created a global scenario in which countries outside of the developed world have become geopolitically very relevant insofar…

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Some observations on the US President’s most recent international trip

US President Joe Biden’s trip from September 7 to September 11 was dominated by two equally remarkable events, both of which owe their significance to a single factor, the global confrontation between Washington and China, now the number two world power. It is in relation to this confrontation that the results of the American president’s latest five-day sprint, in which the two main ports of call were India and Vietnam, should best be viewed. Although officially the main purpose of this foreign policy event was so that the currently number one world power could participate in the scheduled summit…

Vladimir Terehov

The West’s sanctions versus humanitarian aid for Myanmar - which will prevail?

On May 14, Cyclone Mocha, one of the most serious natural disasters of the last ten years, reached Myanmar’s Rakhine State, on the shore of the Bay of Bengal, killing more than 400 people and causing widespread devastation. According to aid workers and local residents, nearly 2 million people living in the state have still not received adequate support from the international community. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has claimed that only $24.3 million of the estimated…

Nguyen Kien Van