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Evolving Pakistan-Russia Relations: Prospects and Challenges

Pakistan’s foreign policy decisions have always been shaped by its security and economic needs. The country inherited an arch-rival on its eastern border, India, it had been a key ally of the United States during the Cold War. This posed Russia and Pakistan against each other. Pakistan acted as the major US non-NATO ally in the region during the Cold War. Relations between Russia and Pakistan saw some minor and temporary improvements during the Cold War era, but the latter has always used this enhancement of relations…

Abbas Hashemite

Park Sang-hak and company are given the go-ahead, and IT’S DANGEROUS

The author has devoted about ten articles to the activities of Park Sang-hak and his organization Fighters for a Free North Korea (FFNK), who was viewed as being quite dangerous. Recall that some of his alleged “merits” include attempting to send coronavirus-infected items to North Korea, for which he was criticized by other defectors, or launching drones with explosives from the PRC to blow up statues of Kim, which were supposed to be a justification for “humanitarian intervention.” In 2020, Park & Co.’s activities triggered an inter-Korean crisis

Konstantin Asmolov

Ledeen Doctrine; US and Israel’s War on Gaza

The war unfolding war in the Middle East goes far beyond Israel vs. Hamas and Hezbollah, and also falls 10 or so years after the last Major US’ Intervention, making it a part of Ledeen Doctrine. On 22nd October 2023, the US announced plans to deploy THAAD and Patriot air defense systems, capabilities that exceed Hamas’ and Hezbollah’s threats, suggesting that the US is preparing for another war…

Simon Chege Ndiritu