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North Korea launches a satellite, causing an escalation in tensions Part Three: Discussions about the satellite’s capabilities and the Russian connection

North Korea’s successful launch of a satellite on November 21 has led to another wave of speculation both about the satellite’s capabilities and about potential military-technological cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang. This is largely due to the syndrome noted more than once, in which anti-Pyongyang propaganda first comes up with certain clichés and then begins to believe in them. The DPRK is seen as an “Evil State” and thus incapable of real success. Any real achievements are therefore dismissed – “the new housing developments were built to distract the population from economic…

Konstantin Asmolov

Expanding Russian Presence in the Indian Ocean

Changing geopolitical realities and the deteriorating image of the United States are resulting in novel alliances around the world. The unipolar world under the hegemony of the United States has sparked a sense of injustice and maltreatment due to its dictatorial attitude. Military and diplomatic interventions by the United States have widened the gulf between the global north and the global south. In the recent geopolitical shifts, Russia and China have emerged as the new superpowers of the world. The global south looks at them as the new viable option for an alliance…

Abbas Hashemite

Persian Gulf-Turkey: just a start so far

The 44th summit of the Supreme Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) held in Doha was a significant event in several respects. The session was the first to be held outside Saudi Arabia since 2018 and the first hosted by Qatar since the signing of the Alul Declaration in January 2021, ending a three-year diplomatic rift between a number of Arab countries. The summit was held under special circumstances as the region is witnessing many unfortunate events, most notably the ongoing carnage in the Gaza Strip. These are extremely important developments that have many implications for the GCC and regional security…

Viktor Mikhin