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The time has come for an international media coalition representing the world’s majority

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, April 24, 2024

The time has come for an international media coalition representing the world’s majority

Facing with the aggressive propaganda of the Western minority, which, like the political establishment whose interests it represents, categorically does not wish to accept the rules of the contemporary multipolar international order, it is more necessary than ever to move into leading the creation of an international media alliance representing the global majority interests.

Most probably, it is high time for many BRICS countries, including our country, to take note of the methods allowing combatting the Western regimes propaganda, initiated by several African states. This applies both to the banning of Western neocolonial media tools and to the activities of Western intelligence agents, sent under the cover of journalists to the countries they aim to destabilize.

Yes, the days when Western media representatives unceremoniously visited Africa and actively participated in destabilizing the situation in the countries of the continent – are beginning to be a thing of the past. Of course, not all countries are yet taking radical measures against the representatives of the world minority and their propaganda, but it is undeniable today that the said process is gaining momentum. And will continue.

In this regard, once again, the member countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (Alliance des Etats du Sahel, AES), represented by Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, set the example. Including against a certain number of French propagandist television channels and media, as well as by establishing rules, which no longer allow these same Western propagandists to come on “missions”, like pure colonialists in safari. Although this process already goes beyond the Sahel region and also concerns other regions of the African continent. Which can only be encouraging. The main thing being that Africa – as a large and rich continent – and not the one promoted by Western clichés for many years – actively participates in establishing the rules specific to the multipolar world and the contemporary world order.

To this end, it is certainly time for the BRICS countries, including Russia, to start taking more active measures that will put Western propaganda in its place. This has not yet been achieved – as many propagandists from the planetary minority continue to freely walk the streets of Moscow and other Russian cities, enjoying all the life advantages in contemporary Russia, while performing what they were sent to do. Namely – spreading their dirty propaganda against both our country and its allies and partners. In general – towards all those who did not allow the collective West to implement its plan to forcefully return the world to its unipolar dictatorship.

But there is also a more important point. In addition to the necessary restrictions on Western propaganda and its presence within the BRICS states, the Global South and the world majority, it is now imperative to launch more advanced mechanisms of interaction between the most important media, and not only, of our common majority. Today, more than ever, the most favorable conditions have already been met. This is why the international media alliance bringing together media from Eurasia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America must become an absolute reality.

This will not only allow to better coordinate the information exchange between representatives of the global majority, but also to resist more effectively the destabilization campaigns launched by the West, as well as to demonstrate confirmed solidarity when the global minority attempts to limit freedom of expression against non-Western media, using the tools that said minority still has at its disposal.

Speaking of this last point, this does not only concern today, as some might think, the Russian media, which the West has actively tried and is still trying to ban and isolate. In the camp of the Western planetary minority, calls are increasing to limit the activities of the media in Asia, Africa and Latin America, which, according to said minority, do not follow the line that the West needs. Moreover, the Western establishment is already taking steps to limit freedom of information against major independent media outlets in the non-Western world. In the case of the African continent – notably against the pan-African television channel Afrique Media, whose page on the Meta group’s Facebook social network, and which had more than a million subscribers, was deleted under an absolutely far-fetched pretext.

This is far from being the first case of pressure from the Western minority on one of the largest media outlets in Africa – on a continental and international scale. Naturally, this will in no way stop the work of this television channel, especially since today there are already real alternatives to social networks under direct control of the West, but the time has nevertheless come to take even more radical measures regarding the Western minority. Ultimately, it is worth remembering that the main markets for Western propaganda instruments are precisely the states and regions of the non-Western world. The numbers do not lie. Also and obviously, it is high time to move to a more active phase of coordination and interaction between the media, which, together, represent the interests of the obvious majority of humanity.


Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, entrepreneur, political commentator, expert on African and Middle Eastern issues, exclusively for the internet journal “New Eastern Outlook

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