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The Cost of American Friendship

The Pakistani leadership’s decision to deport hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan has revealed the United States’ disdain for those it called partners more than two years ago. On October 3, Pakistani authorities announced their decision to sent Afghan refugees home, including those who immigrated here in the 1980s, lived in the country for some decades of their lives and have already integrated into Pakistani life with nothing in Afghanistan. October 31 was set as the deadline for voluntary departure from Pakistan. Those who do not leave the country…

Madi Khalis Maalouf

Putin’s Visit to Saudi Arabia and the UAE: Reactions in the region.

“Putin’s visit to Saudi Arabia and the UAE at the center of global attention,” “Putin in Saudi Arabia and the UAE: the world is changing,” “Why did Putin visit the Gulf?”. These and other headlines reflect the reaction in the Middle East media space to the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the two Persian Gulf countries on December 6 this year. The general tone of the ongoing responses is as follows: the sides are interested in expanding bilateral ties and mutual understanding on the situation in the region and other world problems, especially energy issues. The course of relations between these Gulf state…

Yuriy Zinin

Russia and Iran are comparing their approaches to regional security in Middle East and South Caucasus

Following the one-day visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the UAE and Saudi Arabia, a meeting of the leaders of Russia and Iran took place in Moscow on December 7, 2023. The talks between Vladimir Putin and Ebrahim Raisi lasted about 5 hours (including both in an expanded format and in private). The dynamics of regional events in the Middle East and South Caucasus require closer attention and active diplomacy from both the world’s leading players and key regional countries. Russia and Iran have accumulated considerable experience…

Alexandr Svaranc