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How the US-led Liberal World Order is Falling Apart

The basis of the US-led liberal world order was laid at the end of the World War 2. However, the United States and the Soviet Union kept on fighting over the spread and influence of their respective ideologies till the 1990s. The United States’ victory in the Cold War established its hegemony over the globe. Many Western philosophers, at that time, believed that the US-led liberal world order was here to stay. Famous American political philosopher, Francis Fukuyama, in his book “The End of History and the Last Man,” also endorsed this notion…

Taut Bataut

Explosive Georgian Ratlines, Weapons Trafficking – Turn in Political Direction & Wakeup Call!

Georgia has long been recognized as a transit point for all sorts of illegal trade between Central Asia, The Middle East, and Europe. It is in the direct interest of Western law enforcement and intelligence services to understand this conduit so that they can anticipate goods movements, which can have a drastic impact on both national communities and foreign civil and military deployments. On the 5th of February 2024, the Georgian State Security Service, (SSS) has announced that an attempt to smuggle plastic explosives into Russia by the Daryal Pass had been thwarted…

Henry Kamens

Turkish parliament's vote on Sweden temporarily overshadowed other world media topics...

As is well known, the Russian-Ukrainian military and political crisis began in no small measure because of NATO’s violations of the agreements previously reached with Moscow during the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Treaty Organisation. In particular, the United States (whose “backyard,” as Russian President Vladimir V. Putin notes, is NATO) decided that NATO was the “backyard” of the United States. In particular, the United States (whose “backyard,” as Russian President…

Alexandr Svaranc