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The Evolution of BRICS+ as a Counter-Hegemony Platform

With the old hegemon, the US, depleting fast its energies by fomenting un-necessary conflicts, picking up imaginary enemies, and thus reaching the stage where hegemonic-fatigue becomes inevitable and the threat of extreme crisis more likely than ever, the rise of…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

Kosovo at Delicate Crossroads Between East and West

The people of Kosovo were and still are cheering for joy. The European Commission (EC recently decided that Kosovars won’t need visas any more to visit EU countries. Up to now, getting such visas was a horrendously complicated and bureaucratic procedure, especially hurtful...

Peter Koenig

Turkey’s Defection

After a multi-year see-saw between an overwhelmingly Christian EU and Muslim Turkey seeking membership, in 2015, 1.5 million people illegally crossed into Europe, many by hop-scotching from Turkey to Greece. Although desperate for a solution to this growing problem, the EU did not finally...

Deena Stryker