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Growing Protests Over Threat of US Bio Weapons

Vladimir Platov, January 10, 2021


The spread of coronavirus infection in the world has inadvertently forced the leading powers and the UN to open their eyes to many issues and, above all, to comply with the provisions of the international Biological Weapons Convention.

Before the coronavirus, Washington consistently ignored statements by official authorities in Russia, China, and the CIS states regarding the Pentagon’s network of military biolaboratories. The United States reportedly has 1,495 biological laboratories in 25 countries and regions, including the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the former Soviet Union, that are not accountable to the governments of the countries where they operate and operate with a lack of transparency. In Ukraine alone, the US has opened 16 biological laboratories, some of which have seen large-scale outbreaks of infectious diseases. According to USA Today, hundreds of accidental human contacts with deadly microorganisms have occurred in biological laboratories in the US and abroad since 2003 to the present. These contacts can lead to the infection with any lethal virus from such laboratories and then spread to the population and provoke an epidemic. And at this point it is appropriate to recall that the extremely dangerous strain of avian influenza H5N1 was bred in laboratory conditions by the Dutch scientist Ron Fouchier together with scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States.

Despite the fruitless efforts of the US and British propaganda machine in recent years, trying to accuse Russia of allegedly using Novichok biological weapons (BW), in particular against the Skripals or Navalny, it is now glaringly obvious that this Russophobic campaign was false from the start and had the main goal of avoiding accusations against London and Washington of developing and using biological weapons, including the use of numerous secret biolaboratories.

It should be mentioned that it was the British secret service that conducted the anthrax combat tests against Hitler’s Germany as part of “Operation Vegetarian“ back in 1942 on the Gruinard Islands near Scotland, after which life on the islands ceased.

400 inmates were exposed to malaria in prisons and hospitals in Chicago as early as 1940: University of Chicago Medical School professor Dr. Alf Elving infected mentally ill patients with malaria at an Illinois hospital.

Then bacteriological weapons testing began in the United States in 1943 in Utah. In this regard, it is remarkable that in the span of the same year, experiments with various chemical and biological weapons on prisoners in Buchenwald, Dachau and Auschwitz were initiated by Nazi Major General Paul Schreiber, a medical major who had already served at the US Air Force base in Texas in the early 1950s.

Albert Kligman, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, in the 1960s was awarded the most expensive US Army contract worth $386,486 to study the effects of psychotropic drugs on large populations. And in 1965 he, as part of another highly expensive contract, began researching certain herbicides and the super-toxic component Agent Orange, on inmates of the Holmesburg Prison State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. Its customers were Dow Chemical, Johnson & Johnson, and the US Department of Defense. Agent Orange was later used by Monsanto in Vietnam.

In 2000, the Pentagon was forced to admit that the secret Project 112 program tested biological weapons in Egypt, Liberia, South Korea, and Japan. The test sites were Puerto Rico and Hawaii, among others.

There are plenty of other concrete examples of the United States and Britain researching biological weapons. Since the end of World War I and until 1972 more than 244 times BW were used. In 1972, the international Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) was adopted.

But the adoption of the BWC did not stop the development of biological weapons: in 1981, the US used the Dengue virus against Cuba, as a result of which over 344,000 Cubans contracted the disease. The development of the Dengue strain was leaked to the American press in the 1980s, and in 1981 the CIA re-infected the island with the hemorrhagic conjunctivitis bacteria: the outbreak affected El Salvador, Venezuela, Honduras, Colombia, Panama and Suriname.

The activities of the US and British secret biolaboratories, the continuation of their military research there, have been carefully concealed from the public, raising doubts and questions about the true direction of their research. In particular, why did the United States strongly oppose the adoption of a mutual verification protocol to the BWC?

In July 2020, a scandal erupted in Ukraine because of a sensational leak from the Ministry of Health about the activities of secret US biolaboratories in that country. “Washington continues to obstruct the control of bacteriological research by refusing to ratify the relevant protocol to the BWC. Perhaps it is time for the international community to pay special attention to Washington’s position on this issue and put pressure on the administration. History shows that insufficient control of activities related to dangerous pathogens can lead to devastating consequences, and specialists from US laboratories in Ukraine work on strains of particularly dangerous infections,” reported a study conducted in Ukraine.

In September, public representatives from Italy, Germany, Norway, Greece, Russia, and the CIS countries adopted a joint statement against US military and biological developments in the CIS. Participants at the forum noted that the US uses its laboratories in other countries to assess the impact of various pathogens on plants, animals, and humans. The countries that host these laboratories are bound by nondisclosure agreements.  Since these laboratories were established, Georgia and Ukraine have seen an increase in various epidemics, outbreaks of epidemic roseola, rabies, African swine fever, as well as many infections previously unknown to people in these countries.

Colonel Vasily Prozorov, a former officer of the central apparatus of the SSU, also spoke on a YouTube channel about the fact that the US Department of Defense, using Ukraine, is preparing a biological weapon of targeted action that could hit all members of the Eastern Slavic ethnic group. He presented a number of documents regarding a range of projects in biolaboratories in Ukraine, referred to as the “Ukrainian project.” These documents show that the leaders of these projects are in fact representatives of the US Department of Defense. The former colonel of the Ukrainian special services stressed that for the US, Ukraine is the ideal place to create weapons against the East Slavic ethnic group. Ukrainian special services, in particular the SSU in Kherson, have repeatedly raised alarm and pointed out directly that the activities of the US Department of Defense bio-laboratories are a threat to Ukraine’s national interests. This includes the fact that the Americans will create dangerous biological weapons, and Ukraine will be the one accused under the BWC.

It appears that the countries where the US secret biolaboratories are now located have become NATO testing grounds for biological warfare. Therefore, the disclosure of information about experiments conducted in US laboratories would not only stop their possible use for military purposes, but would also make life safer in many countries.

Vladimir Platov, an expert on the Middle East, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.