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Yoon Suk-yeol: A U-Turn to Nuclear Power

One area where the difference in strategy between the old and new presidents is particularly evident is the attitude towards the role of nuclear power.

It should be recalled that the Moon administration, under the guise of a green agenda, attempted to destroy the country’s nuclear power industry...

Konstantin Asmolov

Iran: What is the Future of the Nuclear Deal?

While many around the world hoped for a positive reaction from the United States to Iran’s latest response, the European trio at the talks in Vienna (E3 - the UK, Germany, France) have separately issued a statement that could undo all the positive results of a year of painstaking negotiations. After Tehran responded to an American text submitted through the European Union...

Viktor Mikhin

The Orientation of World Political Power Moves Inexorably Eastward

Vladivostok recently hosted the Eurasian Economic Forum where it was addressed by Russia’s president Vladimir Putin. Vladivostok itself is an important centre of development in the Russian Far East and therefore appropriate as the host of the conference whose theme centred on the “path to a multipolar world.” The conference...

James ONeill