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US ambassadors lead in abuse of power

Against the backdrop of recent turbulent international events in various parts of the world, it is not only them that have attracted increased international and media attention, but also the various “stunts” pulled by a number of ambassadors in their political dances on the diplomatic podium. Above all, they are already known for their contemptuous and...

Vladimir Platov

Moon Jae-in is still under attack

South Korea’s current conservative government is closing in on the former president, and he is under attack on several fronts at once. On the one hand, there have been several crude attempts to harass him, using illegal methods, and these have been blocked by the courts. While Moon Jae-in took no steps to prevent NGOs from protesting or putting pressure on their opponents, Yoon Suk-yeol...

Konstantin Asmolov

Armenia-Azerbaijan Again on the Frontline, Is the US Meddling as Usual?

It would be easy to dismiss the latest incidents in the Armenian-Azeri conflict zone as more of the same; however, when you read the headlines in the US media, the New York Times for instance, more may be involved. Could not the US send someone besides Nancy Pelosi as an envoy to stir the pot? There is no need...

Henry Kamens