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Iranian-Israeli tensions are doomed to escalate in the absence of Russia

After the collapse of the USSR and the weakening of Russia, Israel started to believe in its own exclusivity as the US’s main ally in the Middle East. In the interests of national security and unity in the face of an external enemy, the Israeli leadership (particularly under the right-wing Likud party led by Benjamin Netanyahu)...

Alexandr Svaranc

The Geopolitics of the “Balloon Affair”

On February 4, a US fighter jet “safely” shot down a Chinese “surveillance balloon” off the coast of South Carolina. The balloon, according to US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin, was being used by China for the purpose of spying on “strategic sites in the continental United States.” Lloyd also emphasised that the decision to shoot down the Chinese...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Corruption and Weakness, What’s Behind Washington’s Love of Nuclear Brinkmanship

It is a mystery for “educated Americans” as to why a “liberal” president would risk nuclear war. Biden’s domestic policies certainly oppose tyranny and Naziism, brought to America by Trump and his army of hillbilly miscreants. He has cut taxes to workers and middle class and worked to undo some of Trump’s insane policies…

Gordon Duff