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On Wang Yi’s trip to Europe

On February 15, Wang Yi began a week-long tour of several European countries, his first trip abroad since assuming the post of head of the Office of the CPC Central Committee Commission on January 1 of this year. This office oversees all foreign policy activities, and its head is directly accountable to the country’s leader. Wang Yi has also become a member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee...

Vladimir Terehov

African Union under Western pressure

On February 23, the UN General Assembly voted on another anti-Russian resolution on Ukraine, which was pathetically titled “Principles of the Charter of the United Nations underlying a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine.”  Russia, as in the spring of last year, was condemned by 141 states. However, 24 African countries out of 54 refused to condemn...

Oleg Pavlov

Don’t Believe Anything - But Recognize the Verge of a New Dark Age

A decade ago, discovering every significant media outlet in the western world as tabloid news would have been inconceivable. Well, the unbelievable is all around us pounding pure lies into our brains on behalf of people eviler than Emperor Caligula. Just Google Putin, Russia, or even China, and with some effort, you’ll see what I mean…

Phil Butler