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ASEAN Pushing Itself Away from the US

ASEAN Pushing Itself Away from the US

In the 42nd ASEAN summit held in Indonesia in May, the group decided to “not become a proxy for anyone.” This was with reference to the increasing pressure the group on the whole is currently facing from the US to…
Salman Rafi Sheikh
Macron in Mongolia - valuable metal and a “one-man theater”?

Macron in Mongolia - valuable metal and a “one-man theater”?

On May 21, 2023, the first official visit of the President of France to Mongolia in the almost sixty-year history of relations between the two countries took place. The visit was accompanied by a number of “rituals of respect” – in particular, a solemn ceremony in the main square of Ulaanbaatar, as well as a trip by the French leader to the Genghis Khan Museum. At the end of the visit, a joint declaration was presented and the desire of the countries to achieve the level of “comprehensive strategic partnership” in bilateral relations was expressed…

Boris Kushhov

The problematic location of the latest G7 conference

On May 19, the three-day, most recent G7 Summit started in Hiroshima. During its 10 thematic sessions, problems of both a global scale and a rather specific plan, which are of particular interest to the G7 countries at the current stage of the “Great World Game,” were considered. However, among the G7 participants, there are increasing discrepancies, as successfully illustrated by the Chinese publication Global Times, regarding assessments and approaches to solving almost all of the problems mentioned. This was reflected in the course, as well as the results of this event, which require special…

Vladimir Terehov