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Regarding the most recent South China Sea maneuvers by the United States and its allies

Despite having primarily military connotation, the word “maneuvers” (“maneuvering”) may be used to describe the actions of a single state or even a collection of states in a given political situation. Controlling the situation in the South China Sea and the surrounding land area, which is made up of ten Southeast Asian nations and collectively forms a regional association known as ASEAN, is one of the most significant issues at the current stage of the Great Global Game. Over the past 20 years, the South China Sea and Southeast Asia as a whole have been increasingly at the center of the military and political maneuvering of the two current superpowers…

Vladimir Terehov

Gender equality: the faux pas of Americanizing Mongolia

When the word “Mongolia” appears in media reports from the past two or three weeks, the reader is typically directed to numerous headlines about the recent visit of Mongolia’s Prime Minister, Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene, to the United States of America. What’s even more intriguing and potentially productive is that the Mongolia-US talks have recently taken place within Mongolia. For instance, the Trans-Altai Sustainability Dialogue was held in Ulaanbaatar in the first half of June this year. The Ban Ki-moon Foundation and Shorenstein APARC collaborated to organize the event. Its stated goal is to coordinate SDG action through establishing new research…

Bair Danzanov

“BRICS Plus” Could Accomplish a New World Order

Russia and China have long been struggling to establish a new world order, an order that will not have the West as its centre and the US dollar as the main currency shaping the global economic system. The new world order will be multipolar. Within this order, it will be possible to trade without USD. But while multipolarity and non-USD currency arrangements indicate some of the key features of the new order – and they are very important – they are not by themselves the mechanisms that could potentially yield a new world order. For a new order to become possible…

Salman Rafi Sheikh