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China and South-East Asia. Part 2

The post-colonial period Everything in China’s expansion to the south and south-west changed again after the Second World War and the Europeans’ departure from Southeast Asia, and with the victory of the Chinese Revolution and the founding of the PRC…
Dmitry Mosyakov

Who Will Come after the Exodus?

On the morning of Sunday, December 18, 2011, the last 500 American troops crossed the border into Kuwait after the bulk of the 150,000-strong US force had completed its withdrawal. There was neither jubilation nor rousing welcomes. Just the gloomy and depressing...

Marina Rogova

China and South-East Asia. Part 1

A historical perspective Russia at present is cooperating more and more closely with China: We have many things in common and high hopes for the future. Therefore, it would be advisable for us to know our partner well, including how…
Dmitry Mosyakov