25.10.2013 Ekaterina Ryzhkova

In the course of the past few days, the U.S. raised its budget debt ceiling yet again. The government can again start increasing its debt obligations, which, incidentally, do not need any extra stimulation. The world...

23.10.2013 Alexander Filonik

On the eve of the Islamic offensive, Syria had already suffered a considerably severe blow. It fell on Syria in the form of the global financial crisis which caused Syrian rates of economic growth to plummet from 5% to 2% by 2011. Although the losses were not critical then, it is evident...

22.10.2013 Alexander Filonik

Syria has been living the past three years completely engulfed in rampant terror and threats to the population, which are actively being used to demoralise the administration and force it to leave the political arena. The fact that the military campaigns have a localized nature does not...

20.10.2013 Jim Dean

“The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity”...William Butler Yeats, from his poem The Second Coming. Yeats certainly caught the essence of the American political folly that has been on stage for the past two weeks. I was going to write this column two days...

13.10.2013 Eldar Kasayev

Another acute angle of bilateral economic relations in the foreseeable term will still be Russian exports to Turkey. The fact is that only large domestic companies are capable of getting established in the Turkish market, particularly in the energy sphere, whilst...

12.10.2013 Eldar Kasayev

The economic partnership of Russia and Turkey is rapidly gaining momentum. However, there are still obstacles along the way. One of the long-term goals of Moscow and Ankara is a significant increase in trade turnover and foreign direct investments in each other's economy. The parties...

11.10.2013 Nelly Semenova

We should add one more important dimension to the character of Chinese expansion in Central Asia. It began with and still continues the export of labour-intensive products, which often hinders the development of the region’s manufacturing industry and its integrated... 

10.10.2013 Vladimir Belyakov

I, once again, found myself in Cairo during the second half of September. The trip was not long and I would never commit it to writing if it wasn’t for one particular circumstance. The fact is, Egypt is like a second home to me. At the end of the last century, I spent a long 15 years living...

08.10.2013 Alexander Salitsky

The Bishkek SCO (The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit has fully confirmed the viability of unions which tend to strengthen regionalism in the world today. This strengthening is particularly linked with the fact that, in this new century, the centre-periphery...

07.10.2013 Eldar Kasayev

Long before the US intervention in Iraq it was clear that  the major point of American interest towards this country were its natural resources since Washington has always been striving to gain control over the better part of oil and gas rich countries in the region. According to OPEC the...

01.10.2013 Konstantin Penzev

The Japanese economy is stagnating the last two decades yet. Its main problems are a declining real sector of the economy, combined with relocation of production capacities to China, high wages, a large number of long-living pensioners, together with a low birth rate, a huge (mostly domestic...

25.09.2013 Salman Rafi Sheikh

In the twenty first century Africa rich with energy resources has become the center of geo-political competition of the major powers. For this reason that the relevance of Africa in the strategic planning of most countries has notably increased lately. Where the US and EU have long been...