01.12.2013 Vladimir Karyakin

The key problem of Russian statehood is that Russia, in terms of geopolitics, is not a classical imperial formation. At the same time, by its ethno-national structure, it does not correspond to the nation state category either. This contradiction can be resolved only through a “re-assembly...

28.11.2013 Konstantin Penzev

If the "Golden Triangle" had turned out to be the only area in the world suitable for cultivating the opium poppy, then the Vietnam War would have probably taken a totally different turn. But this time the world managed again to avoid another small nuclear bombing. To the joy of all...

25.11.2013 Konstantin Penzev

In 1890, Alfred Marshall formulated the law of supply and demand – the consumer has the money and he wants to buy something, the producer has the goods and he wants to sell them. Price of the product is formed depending on the ratio of supply and demand. Any narcotics trafficker knows this law...

20.11.2013 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The BRICS are said to have emerged as a major challenge to the so called global hegemony of the US and its satellites. It is a politico-economic union of five countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa striving to come up with some sort of a formula which could help them co-ordinate their...

18.11.2013 Nikolai Bobkin

In Geneva, the E3+3 international mediators failed to secure a final agreement with Iran on its nuclear programme. The West still does not believe that the Iranian peaceful atom is peaceful indeed and looks forward to arguments in this regard from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, whose leader, Yukiya Amano, visited.

15.11.2013 Konstantin Asmolov

While the terms juche (spirit of self-reliance and songun (military first are relatively well-known to a broad audience, a fresh concept that has taken shape under the young North Korea leader is a novelty. Let’s take the opportunity now to fill the reader’s possible...

07.11.2013 Vladimir Simonov

Rapidly degra- ding political and economic situation in Afghanistan has a direct impact on the development of drug trafficking and drug cultivation, and production of hard drugs. Measures taken by the Drug Combating Ministry of IRA as well as the aid provided to the country...

07.11.2013 Alexander Filonik

The decision regarding chemical weapons opens up a certain possibility of normalising the overall situation in Syria. Although, it is still too early to say that Syria has reached the point of no return in regulating the whole issue as the future of the country is still up in the air. On the...

06.11.2013 Konstantin Penzev

This September, Shinzo Abe and Stephen Harper, the Prime Ministers of Japan and Canada, decided to start negotiations and they are going to discuss the issue of importing into Japan shale gas from Canada. Abe mentioned the gas pipeline project, where a number of Japanese firms will be engaged...

31.10.2013 Konstantin Asmolov

The third reason for the North Korean famine is the natural disasters in 1995-1997 when the economy began to deteriorate dramatically faster due to natural disasters. Nature dealt North Korea a very serious and complex blow. First, agriculture...

30.10.2013 Konstantin Asmolov

"Slon" internet magazine published an article by A. Lankov titled "How many people actually died of starvation in North Korea" that caused quite a stir in some circles. The scientist, who is hardly a proponent of Pyongyang, dared to challenge the commonly-held view that three million people...

28.10.2013 Nikolai Bobkin

The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan is gaining speed. Just recently, the Pentagon began the relocation of its forces from the Manas transit centre in Kyrgyzstan, which will be transferred to local authorities by July 2014. By that time most of the International Security Assistance...