30.07.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

Since the dawn of time Afganistan has been considered one of the poorest countries. Perhaps opium poppy and cannabis are the only plants that may be cultivated on its barren lands. Large stocks of its natural resources were kept secret by western monopolies, and the partucular interest of the... 

11.07.2013 Nina Lebedeva

In recent years India has shown rapid growth and under current conditions of competition exacerbation in the military, political and economic area of Asia-Pacific Region assessment of its position and role in the present events appears to be interesting in respect for objective estimation of... 

28.06.2013 Viktoria Panfilova
The time is inevitably approaching when, according to Washington and Brussels, the US-led Western military coalition will finally leave Afghanistan. That is giving Russia a serious headache. It stands to reason that are threats emanating from Afghanistan and affecting Russia’s…
20.06.2013 Trofimova Olga
It is extremely difficult to predict how the situation is going to evolve in Yemen, which is caught in a systemic crisis. Only one thing can be said with confidence — the country is beginning a long period of political…
11.06.2013 Lyudmila Zakharova
Pyongyang has been under foreign economic restrictions for years. For several years now, all freight going in or out of North Korea has been at risk of being detained by any UN member nation if it believes the shipment can…
30.05.2013 Alexander Orlov
Some European countries have responded to Russian criticism of the EU’s decision to lift the embargo on supplying arms to the Syrian opposition by starting to whip up passions over Moscow’s arms sale to Syria’s legitimate government under contracts concluded…
16.05.2013 Valeriy Maleev
The World’s Fair, or Expo as it is also known, is not just one of the most prestigious international events, it also yields significant economic benefits from the influx of tourists and increased business interest in the region. Yekaterinburg is…
06.05.2013 Konstantin Penzev
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrived in Moscow on April 28 for a three-day visit, during which he met with President Vladimir Putin. He planted a cherry tree at the Russian Academy of Sciences and listened to some drumming. Other…
30.04.2013 Vladislav Bugrov
Western experts assess the Syria’s situation and future based on the actual correlation of forces of the opposing parties and the nature and the extent of the support their allies provide. Virtually all agree that Syria’s regular army remains powerful…
29.04.2013 Konstantin Penzev
The territorial conflict over the disputed islands of the Senkaku archipelago (called the Diaoyu Islands by China) in the East China Sea is gaining momentum. Many analysts believe that Washington has recently begun exploiting it more intensely in order both…
25.04.2013 Viktoria Panfilova
Washington is actively trying to take advantage of the transportation deadlock that Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan found themselves in after the Soviet Union’s collapse to advance its regional New Silk Road program. It is obvious that the project’s main goal is…
15.04.2013 Konstantin Penzev
The world is becoming more multipolar. But the United States is only one of its poles: It has a huge navy, and it is striving desperately to gain control over all of the world’s oceans and, therefore, the major cargo…