01.02.2014 Seth Ferris

Back in 2006 then-US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the politics of energy was “warping” diplomacy around the world. The very next week she opened a function attended by President Theodore Obiang Nguema Mbasogo...

28.01.2014 Vladimir Odintsov

The series of explosions at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant continues to raise serious concerns in scientific and political communities across many countries, including Israel. The Japanese tragedy has already introduced certain amendments to the course...

27.01.2014 Natalia Rogozhina

It appears that the fight for democracy has been dragging on for years in Thailand. The country has now been in an uproar for two months. The situation is critical and tensions are on the verge of boiling over as the country's government became paralysed due to the anti-governmen...

25.01.2014 Viktoria Panfilova

After supporting Emomali Rahmon on the presidential elections of November 2013, Russia seems to be rather determined to provide economical assistance to Tajikistan. One can name it a timely decision since the socio-economic situation in the Republic is deteriorating rapidly, which...

22.01.2014 Sofia Pale

In recent years, China has made a transition from a "soft" force to launching a rather rigorous offensive on the leader of the current global economic system – the United States. This was facilitated by the financial crisis of 2008, which started in America and spread across the whole planet...

19.01.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Numerous incidents of violence and conflict and consequent news of constructing new habitations constitute the main outline, in the Western media, of the “Palestinian” conflict. Usually, the stories of violence are covered under the heading of targeting the so-called “terrorists...

18.01.2014 Ian Carver

The last week of 2013 saw Uzbekistan - the most populous Central Asian nation - become the latest country to join the CIS free trade zone, a bloc encompassing former Soviet states Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan...

11.01.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The US’ decision to effect “pivot” to Asia has also stimulated some major powers of Asia to build their strangleholds across different countries. The underlying logic for this policy shift is the threat perception they have from this and many other strategic moves of the US. In a...

09.01.2014 Vladimir Odintsov

While the international co- mmunity summari- zes the achieve- ments of the year 2013, exerting even further efforts in reducing the risk of the armed violence spread in the Middle East (especially in Syria , as well as through the settlement of the Iranian nuclear program stand-off...

09.01.2014 Konstantin Penzev

In his annual message to the Federal Assembly for the year 2014 (12.12.2013, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin described the rise of Siberia and the Far East as the national priority for the whole 21st century. This news has not received much coverage in the foreign media...

06.01.2014 Vladimir Platov

While a significant part of the Arab world has been forced to suffer the consequences of the so-called “Arab Spring” and radicalization of society, leading to increasing internal and external isolation, Algeria has made a bid for national creative accomplishments and strengthening of its international...

28.12.2013 Vladimir Odintsov

The rapid urba- nization in Africa, taking place in recent years, is essentially a new factor. It presents a danger to the stability inside the countries of this continent, which, in...