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Vladimir Terehov

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at the NATO and G7 Summits

The density of foreign policy activities by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida cannot but attract attention. At the end of April, he received German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Tokyo. Immediately after that, he went on a week-long tour to three countries in Southeast Asia and a subsequent flight to Europe. There, he held talks with...

Vladimir Terehov

India’s Fine Balance in the International Arena

India is increasingly making its presence felt in the international political arena. And as India’s influence grows in the current stage of the Great World Game, so the major world powers are competing to bring New Delhi into their own camp. India itself is no passive onlooker in this process - with considerable skill it is managing to play off against each other...

Vladimir Terehov

No End to the Chronicles of the Taiwan Issue

In the new commentary on the most significant developments one way or another related to the Taiwan issue, first of all it is worth re-emphasizing what in the author’s view is the most important thing. Namely, despite the continuing general trend of thickening clouds in the picture reflecting the issue, there are still glimpses...

Vladimir Terehov