Valery Kulikov
31.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

The unstable situation in Afghanistan, the aftermath of the January events in Kazakhstan and the armed conflicts between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan make the Central Asian region prone to risks of destabilization. And some of the most vulnerable states in Central Asia (CA) in terms of instability...

26.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

To the United States, Central Asia (CA) not only remains a major rival region with key geopolitical players, who are primarily Russia and China. CA is also a springboard to deploy active operations on the so-called “second front” to divert Beijing and Moscow’s forces...

24.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

As you may know, the wars of the last century took place mainly because of energy resources, which the industry and economy of the developing world began to need particularly strongly. This is especially evident in the events of World War II, which not only demonstrated the struggle for spheres...

17.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

The White House’s recent policies in the Middle East show that the United States is increasingly losing ground in the region every day. The recent visit of US President Joe Biden to Saudi Arabia was undeniable proof of this. In fact, this is happening to the US not only in the Middle East, but everywhere. And it is the failed policies of the US, as well as the current US political, military...

12.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

Due to the US administration’s policy of continuous borrowing, including to finance the armed conflict in Ukraine, amid record inflation and fears of an impending recession, public debt exceeded $31 trillion for the first time. The Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, but tighter lending policies are causing the federal government to spend $500 billion on servicing...

07.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

With its actions in recent months, the United States is blatantly pushing the international situation towards a clash of major nuclear powers. This is true of Washington’s blatantly provocative moves against both Russia and China. US officials continue to inflame the situation, intimidating their own and the world public with “imaginary...

05.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

The ongoing seven-year war in Yemen remains an important element of the wider Middle East conflict. Following the end of a Yemeni truce on October 2, Mohammed Abdessalam of the Ansar Allah group ruling in the North, who is head of the Houthis delegation in talks with the government, said the parties to the conflict in the country...

24.09.2022 Valery Kulikov

Recent events around the world increasingly confirm the belief that the so-called “American-style democracy” is a bubble, using which Washington, together with its Western allies, is actively trying to move all nations back to a slave system where only it would reign. From this, in fact, stem the armed conflicts unleashed by the West in various regions...

21.09.2022 Valery Kulikov

Another shooting occurred which preceded a breakout of the conflict on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border on September 14. According to information from the Kyrgyz Border Service, Tajik military forces used civilians as human shields during the armed incident on the border, as well as MLRS and aircraft...

15.09.2022 Valery Kulikov

Around the world, condolences are being expressed on the death of 96-year-old British Queen Elizabeth II. Among the leaders of countries, the first foreign leader to congratulate Charles III on his accession to the British throne and express condolences in connection...

12.09.2022 Valery Kulikov

Today the United States, because of the growing global criticism of White House policies, is desperately seeking to maintain its leadership through destructive actions against not only its adversaries, but also allies in all directions. This is evidenced both by the numerous armed conflicts and aggressions around the world instigated by the United States...

10.09.2022 Valery Kulikov

The total powerlessness of the current US authorities (visible even on the face of their president) striving for a unipolar world, against the background of the ongoing removal of the United States from the “global throne,” is forcing mentally exhausted US strategists to jump into more and more failing adventures. By unleashing a Russophobic sanctions...