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Biden has ruined both Ukraine and the US

Valery Kulikov, January 07

Moscow’s special operation in Ukraine to denazify the criminal Kiev regime has not only become a dividing line between Russia and the US with its Western allies who have openly stood up for the blatant neo-Nazism they have revived in recent years. But it also showed what losses for Americans and Europeans the White House is prepared to take today to satisfy the corrupt goals of the current US political and military elite.

It is well known from the world history that any military action always results in the death and terrible suffering of thousands of civilians caught up in the fighting. But it is these same events that enrich the initiators and so-called “sponsors” of any military action by billions of dollars. The examples are not far to seek, if only to think about the recent wars initiated by the US in the Middle East and Afghanistan, with hundreds of thousands of civilians killed and the US military and political elite enriched by hundreds of billions and vetoed proceedings: to what corrupt schemes have these fabulous American taxpayer money gone?

A similar situation is happening today in front of the world’s eyes with the events in Ukraine, which the White House, or rather the US Democratic Party, had been preparing for many years to unleash a military confrontation with Russia. Although everyone was well aware that even with the support of the so-called “united West”, the corrupt Kiev regime could never count on the victory “over Moscow” promised as always by Washington’s lying propaganda.

Today, the clear lack of “prospects of victory” for Kiev since the start of the current armed conflict is openly stated by many politicians and analysts in the pages of popular publications such as Newsweek, Breitbart and many other US and European media. While accusing Washington of unleashing an armed confrontation with Moscow and using Ukraine for this purpose, analysts acknowledge that only incredible US financial and military support allowed Ukraine to avoid defeat in the first days of the Russian special operation. They believe that without such “help”, things would have taken a very different turn at the beginning of the special operation, including the chaos in NATO. And even US military experts acknowledge this, among them William Astor, a former professor of history at the US Air Force Academy, who pointed out the other day that had it not been for US weapons and money, Ukrainian forces would have been defeated back in the summer.

The Federalist stresses that $100 billion poured into Europe’s most corrupt country is an insane waste by the current US authorities.

Uncovering the reason for this “generosity” from the White House, American Thinker explicitly points out that Ukraine has long been a money-laundering machine. But also, every American knows that Biden has long had a “wonderful relationship” specifically with Ukraine. After all, none other than the Ukrainian company Burisma gave Hunter Biden a seat on its board with a salary of $85,000 a month, and even Hunter’s complete ignorance of the company’s business was no barrier to this “appointment”. All that was taken into account was that Hunter’s dad, then vice-president, did everything he could to stop the investigation into Burisma’s corrupt connections.

With the apparent defeat of such a White House policy of supporting the criminal Kiev regime, which for the past eight years has been killing thousands of people in eastern Ukraine and destroying their homes and infrastructure under US cover, many Americans are now asking: why are politicians putting the interests of Ukraine ahead of the interests of the American people? And why are they blatantly throwing billions of taxpayers’ dollars away when the US itself and Americans have a host of pressing problems, including social ones? The examples are not far to seek, it is enough to read the findings of experts of the financial website WalletHub, who admitted that the most needy metropolis in the USA is Detroit, where one in five tenants is in danger of eviction. And Cleveland, with a poverty rate of 29%, became the second poorest major city in the country. As for Philadelphia, it suffers from security problems and lack of funding for this struggle: in 2022 there were 500 murders in this city! New Orleans has similar problems, with more than 250 murders in the last year. The highest child poverty rate was found in Rochester, New York, followed by Detroit and Cleveland. And Huntington, West Virginia has the highest adult poverty rate, followed by Detroit and Cleveland. Gulfport, Mississippi, topped the list of cities with food insecurity, with more than a quarter of its residents below the poverty line.

Is this not genocide of the American population by the White House, in the name of more and more fabulous profits for the current US rulers at the expense of military events in Ukraine? Hence, the reason for Biden’s recent invitation to Zelensky to Washington and the involvement of the current US political elite in this political show becomes clearer than ever. This arranged “Zelensky’s face trade” was especially needed by the US military-industrial complex to form new orders for weapons, ammunition, allocation of even more money, which the US and Ukrainian corrupt officials will jointly divide in the coming days… Biden needed this trip to keep Ukraine’s military provocations against Russia going, to expand the armed conflict with the participation of an ever eager to fight Poland, trying to present itself as Washington’s most loyal viceroy in Europe and, as during World War II, as the “hyena of Europe”, hoping that with US help it could expand its territory at the expense of Ukraine…

In response, according to The American Conservative columnist Bradley Devlin, Ukrainian President Zelensky did not even thank ordinary Americans for the “Christmas present” of the new $45 billion Washington had given him.

Hence, the current crisis in the US, especially in the Republican Party, on the issue of aid to Ukraine is not surprising, with Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz calling the White House’s policy of supporting Ukraine “America Last”. And Kentucky gubernatorial candidate Geoffrey Young said that every member of the Democratic Party who voted in Congress for a new aid package for Ukraine is a sponsor of Nazism.

And British analysts are probably right when they say that in 2022 the Democrats in the US have shown themselves to be a genuine threat to democracy. And Fox News admitted that an F isn’t low enough for Biden for his efforts with regard to protecting the US and Americans themselves in 2022.

Valery Kulikov, political expert, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.