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Ulson Gunnar

Geopolitical Impact of Elon Musk's AI "Neuralink"

Elon Musk has recently unveiled during a launching event technology he hopes will link the human mind to computers and eventually, link humans with artificial intelligence. The technology can be used to help restore function for victims of brain diseases but can also eventually be used in the future as a form of human enhancement...

Ulson Gunnar

Protecting Information Space from Facebook's Tyranny

The recent attack aimed at New Eastern Outlook (NEO and several of its authors once again exposes the infinite hypocrisy of US and European interests including across their media and among their supposed human rights advocates. It also exposes the severe threat that exists to the national security of nations around...

Ulson Gunnar

US Leaves INF Because "Russia," But Points Missiles at China

We're told that the US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty singed in 1987 between the US and Soviet Union was based on claims that Russia had violated it. While we continue waiting for Washington to provide evidence to prove these claims, the US itself admitted it had already...

Ulson Gunnar