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Seth Ferris

Recent Spanish Elections: Old Wounds Consume All Logical Thought!

Most neutral observers of the Spanish political scene have the same reaction after looking at it for more than five minutes – "I give up". Not only is the country very divided, the explanations of its divisions fit into no category. But neither are they strong enough the form a category of their own, a "Spanish Scenario...

Seth Ferris

Portugal Re-elects Costa, and Takes on the Rest of the World

After the usual weeks of negotiations, Portugal has a new government. It isn't very new, being pretty much the same as the previous one. But that in itself is a newsworthy development. Antonio Costa's Socialists lost the previous election, but due to the vagaries of parliamentary arithmetic ended up forming a minority...

Seth Ferris

Yet More Brexit Nonsense: Too Sick to GET Sick of it MORE!

According to Simon Sebag Montefiore in "The Romanovs", at least those who lived throughout the Russian Revolution period appreciated that they were living through epoch making times. Those now living through Boris Johnson's Hell for Leather Brexit will similarly be asked, "What were you doing during the indicative votes, Daddy...

Seth Ferris