Phil Butler
17.09.2015 Phil Butler

The burden of leadership is an unbelievably complex and cumbersome role these days. Every day we see evidence of ineffectual direction in the world, and at a time when the world needs guidance most. Perpetual conflicts, paradigm shifts in politics and policy...

14.09.2015 Phil Butler

The conflict in Ukraine today is the handiwork of greedy, evil men intent on only one goal – profit at any cost – profit no matter what. I think most people understand this by now. What readers may not know though, are those instrumental in the death dealing...

10.09.2015 Phil Butler

The world is in a mess, in case you did not notice. For any journalist out there, one look at the headlines mirrors a reality right out of a Stephen King psychological horror. Migrants swarm into the European...

07.09.2015 Phil Butler

American President Barack Obama is once again, sorry. This time the boss of America’s intelligence community is woefully regretful WikiLeaks spilled the beans on NSA eavesdropping on Japan. By now the world community has to be wondering, “Is there anyone, friend or...

31.08.2015 Phil Butler

The only closure normal citizens will ever get on the MH17 tragedy has already been revealed. We will never know for certain who is responsible for the deaths of 298 innocent passengers. As sad a reality as this is, the world must come to accept it. A year of propaganda and...

24.08.2015 Phil Butler

The media was from New York onto Russia, it’s taken a turn for the worse this week. You know the fight has gotten dirty for sure, when there’s more blows below the belt than above. A post by the New York Times this week, is a woeful reminder what poor losers...

18.08.2015 Phil Butler

One of these days the American people will declare, “Radio Free Europe is absolutely useless.” The propaganda arm of the CIA and the US State Department during the first Cold War, RFE/RL is now nothing more a comedic waste of taxpayer money...

10.08.2015 Phil Butler

My fellow Americans, friends in Russia, and in the rest of the world – President Barack is going to get Syria’s Assad out, or kill some more of us trying. The Arab Spring the Western alliance created cannot be complete without Assad being ousted, and...

29.07.2015 Phil Butler

There are three kinds of people inhabiting Earth these days. There are those who strive to remain informed, there are those who for one reason or another are mis-informed or under-informed, and there are the “informers” or communicators among us. In looking at...