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Phil Butler

Under the Big Top – America’s Three Rings of Evil Clowns

As an American, someone raised to believe truth and justice will prevail, I am appalled at the foreign and domestic policies of my country’s government. The level and scope of the deceit with which the Obama administration has...

Phil Butler

The Carnage and Inhumanity in Syria from Wielding a Mighty Pen

An Associated Press story parroted by hundreds of mainstream media outlets today is symbolic of all that is wrong in world news today. Sarah El Deeb paints a heroic portrait of a...

Phil Butler

Vladimir Putin’s Third Way: As Seen Through the Nooscope

Vladimir Putin’s most recent staff change has western experts baffled. According to the BBC, Mr. Putin’s new chief of staff Anton Vaino has reached the top of the Kremlin pecking order “shrouded in mystery”. However cloak & dagger...

Phil Butler