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Phil Butler

News Pooper Scooper: When Fake News is Just Dog Doo

Vladimir Putin has armies of admirers, and armies of detractors too. Predictably, every time one of his detractors slips on a banana peeling, the Daily Beast fake news evangelists foam at the mouth at another chance at fetching...

Phil Butler

Donald Trump Named a Threat to Globalist Elites

European leaders are calling newly elected US President Donald Trump “a threat” now. The American chief executive now joins Russia’s Vladimir Putin and jihadist terrorism as Europe’s biggest boogeymen. It’s only a matter of time...

Phil Butler

Donald Trump Versus Google and the Shadow Government

Google, the mega-tech giant that did everything possible to see Hillary Clinton in the White House may be “over” soon. Per news from Bloomberg, President Donald Trump’s executive order on limiting immigration from some countries...

Phil Butler