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Phil Butler

FOUL! Google and Others Get Red Carded Over FIFA 2018

The saddest thing under the eyes of God is the sight, sound, and the smell of sore losers hell-bent on poor sportsmanship no matter what. This is the downside of FIFA 2018, and a sparkling World Cup soccer moment in Russia. With nothing but excellence and the spirit of true competition...

Phil Butler

Ukraine’s Delicate Situation: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

In news from beleaguered Ukraine, the country’s Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak is begging for nice, new anti-aircraft systems from U.S. President Donald Trump. Now that the Poroshenko government has secured Javelin anti-tank weapons, the way is cleared for creating a pre-NATO...

Phil Butler

Will Trump Destroy the World for His Statue?

If the American president’s most recent moves have you puzzled again, take heart – the whole world is with you. The man evil billionaire George Soros now says is “perfectly willing to destroy the world in order to maintain his narcissism,” seems fully capable of doing just that...

Phil Butler