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Phil Butler

Understanding Putin Is Easy – Unless You Like to Make Things Hard

Russian President Vladimir Putin dances at a lady’s wedding in Austria, and European media goes nuts. America’s President Donald Trump meets with Russia’s leader, and all of Washington cries out for a coup d'état and a public hanging. Meanwhile, the people of the world wait...

Phil Butler

Some Hard Truth on Browder and Other Putin Enemies

We are coming down to the moment when anybody who’s a hero in Washington will be an automatic supervillain in the world. America and her western allies have let criminals run amok for far too long. There are no better examples of this than the enshrinement of dastardly businessmen...

Phil Butler

Big Energy Versus the Forgotten Sahrawi of Western Sahara

In North Africa, the devastating effects of European colonialism still smolder. Hundreds of millions of lives are affected, freedom is suppressed, and progress is stifled by outside influences still largely in control. A case in point is the territory of Western Sahara, and a people...

Phil Butler