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Phil Butler

Is It Time to Move the World Economic Forum to Some Far Away Place?

It’s official. Nobody on Earth knows what to believe anymore. At the United Nations (UN experts say we’re on a collision course with climate disaster. In Washington D.C. the news is just Looney Tunes. In Britain, experts ramp up their claims Vladimir Putin’s popularity...

Phil Butler

The Real Cost of Food and Medicine in Africa - Everything Africans Own

What is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation really doing in Africa? A recent Goalkeepers report entitled “Is Poverty Inevitable” attracted my attention this week. With characteristic billionaire-level content writers in tow, the world’s most famous philanthropic couple publish...

Phil Butler

And This, On Donald Trump – If Tomorrow Never Comes

Newscasts from around the world may soon tell us that a mighty United States armada has been sent to blockade Russia’s ports. That’s right, naval warfare genius, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke says the US Navy can blockade Russia if need be. No, you are not reading CNN or other fake...

Phil Butler