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Phil Butler

A Simple Translation of Anglo-European Russophobia Over Africa

The Anglo-European monopolization of Africa as a cash cow may soon be at an end. Until then, however, Africans will have to stomach the never-ending distortions of truth, on top of watching their legacy evaporate like a mirage over the sands of the Sahara. I’ve covered the disinformation...

Phil Butler

On CNN, Satan, Putin, and God

CNN reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin, without so much as a wave of his mighty hand, is now the cause of the fall of western civilization. What, you think I am kidding? We’ve known all along this was coming, and now the writing will likely be on the U.S. border wall. Meanwhile, the people...

Phil Butler

Dear France: I Told You Le Pen Really Mattered

In May of 2017, a personal blog story I wrote warned of the consequences if Emmanuel Macron were elected President of France. “Why Marine Le Pen Really Really Matters” framed the presidential candidate and the potential for France well. Today, the Rothschild “manservant,” as I deemed...

Phil Butler