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Phil Butler

Bonzai! Spetsnaz Commandos Headed to Waikiki!

Russia’s Vladimir Putin is now planning a surprise attack on the Hawaiian Islands! After being implicated in crimes from the assassination of J.F.K. to using nerve agents on Willy Wonka, this latest news comes as no surprise. Now Japan is warning the west Russia and China are out to conquer the land of pineapple plantations and hula dancing. You know...

Phil Butler

Vladimir Putin Gardening In the Eastern Mediterranean

When you imagine Russia’s Vladimir Putin, do you get a vision of a tougher and older Edward Scissorhands? Neither do I, but apparently western policy advisers see Russia’s president as some kind of mad gardener hell-bent on trimming world powers to his liking. The latest example being a Carnegie Endowment storytelling how Russia is the weed killer preventing...

Phil Butler

The Tables Turn In Africa As Russia Masters Detente

On May 25th the world celebrated Africa Day, the day to commemorate the founding of the Organization of African Unity in 1963. In the United States, the Director of the Atlantic Council’s Africa Center Rama Yade is celebrating by advising the Biden administration on how Africa is America’s biggest geopolitical opportunity. At the same moment American interests...

Phil Butler