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Phil Butler

The Stage Is Set, the Fight Is Rigged, and The End Is Near

Donald Trump is finished. He’s gone halfway to destroying the office of President of the United States. The “deep state” he swore he would eradicate, they’re massaging the shoulders of truth killer Joe Biden as if to ready him like a has-been boxer about to emerge from a sweaty arena tunnel of American politics. But nobody is talking about the 2020 endgame...

Phil Butler

America Without the Sugar Coating: Wishing Ill Will On Our World

As an American, it’s hard to admit things are not as they seem. Democracy, that ideal we were taught as children to worship, it turns out to be only a fancy idea. Like all the other noble, fancy, ideas in history, the illusion of true freedom makes these edges of our existence warm and safe. Even while we live in a deadly...

Phil Butler

Manufactured Perception and the COVID-19 Pandora’s Box

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19 is transforming our world from top to bottom, and inside out. People are terrified. We’re coping in very individualistic ways, and collectively, with a moment unique in modern history. A viral infection is causing a political, economic, and human breakdown worldwide. Where the virus originated, how it spread, and who is ultimately responsible...

Phil Butler