Phil Butler
We Scoured the Planet and Found the Enemy - The Superconsumer
The super-consumer. Few geopolitical analysts out there have seen fit to blame the world’s woes on the real culprits. Sure, the George Soros evil billionaires play a major role, but compared to the “real” people doing using up and wearing out, the Bezos and Elon Musk types are just ringmasters in the world destruction circus. Why don’t...
Can the World Handle the Truth about the West-East Crisis?
The Biden Administration needs Russia to invade Ukraine. The US shale oil business needs Russia’s gas, to remain in Russia. The world may be at war soon, but not over the rights, wants, and wishes of the people of Eastern Europe or Central Asia. The controlling elites of the west are the ones gamling with lives, not Vladimir Putin and the Russians. In October of 2015...
Alert Africa: Get Ready for the Customary “Predatoriness” From the West
I ran across an article in International Viewpoint entitled “Russia in Africa: mercenaries and predatoriness.” The rarely used word “predatoriness” made me chuckle because of the irony, not the creative vocabulary of author Paul Marial. Before we continue, consulting Webster’s seems appropriate: “predatoriness - noun...