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Phil Butler

Has the Ship of American Dreams Finally Sailed Away?

The US State Department will close all but one consulate in the biggest country in the world soon. In Washington, elected officials are considering sanctioning India because they bought the world’s best air-defense system, the Russian S-400. From Algeria to Venezuela American economic sanctions take food from billions of hungry mouths. In Iran, the people cannot even...

Phil Butler

Still No Alternative to Abiding by International Law in Achieving Israeli–Palestinian Peace

In 1958 the novelist Leon Uris wrote a stunning novel entitled “Exodus”, about the establishment of the Jewish state in Palestine after World War II. In 1960, the legendary director Otto Preminger made the film, which starred Hollywood icon, Paul Newman. I saw Exodus when I was six years old, and the impact...

Phil Butler

In the Haystack of Western Narratives: There’s a Needle of Good News from Russia

Many people in the world are waking up to the false narrative of the liberal order. The hate leveled at anyone standing in the way of “progress”, the unbridled Russophobia, the vilification of Vladimir Putin and other world leaders, it’s now out of place in a pandemic stricken world. Still, the forces that have propelled our past and current destruction cry on...

Phil Butler