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Phil Butler

CNN Catches Russians Red Handed Hiding Secret Arctic Bases!

March 18th, an article here on NEO predicted an unprecedented new arms race. April 5th, Nick Paton Walsh at CNN confirmed my prediction with liberal order media’s fear-evoking story about Russia’s so-called “super weapons”. According to the news network owned and operated by the world’s largest telecommunications...

Phil Butler

The Great Coronavirus Lesson: Many Leaders Have Failed the People

It’s coming down to this. Whose side will you be on when the coronavirus pandemic finally destroys nations, businesses, and innocent families unable to protect themselves? Will you side with the greedy politicians and corporate elites manipulating the situation? Or, will the stacked bodies and boarded-up shops finally make you realize what this situation...

Phil Butler

The End of Days Is Coming Fast and It's Ugly

The average citizen of Earth is all tied up these days. Scarcely anyone has free time to take on one more task, to truly understand what goes on in the world, or glean any meaningful benefit from world affairs. Life goes on, albeit in a more chaotic sense, as it always has. The rich get richer, as they say, and the poor get poorer. There’s a simple reason to explain it all, but humanity...

Phil Butler