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Phil Butler

Is the World On the Brink of DEFCON 1?

The looming apocalypse is shaping up nicely as Russia and China expand strategic cooperation to offset the NATO war planes apparently in the works. The propaganda war having already begun with fear mongering over false claims Russia intends invasion, now the “accident scenario” takes shape in the skies over Russia’s frontiers. We’ve addressed the so-called...

Phil Butler

Hold Fast Earthlings! The Elites Have Reissued the “Great Narrative”

The “Great Narrative” is at hand! The author of the “Great Reset”, Klaus Schwab just launched another initiative at his World Economic Forum (WEF) in the UAE. And the world should be dully impressed, I am sure, but most people of earth will not be. WEF and most other institutions are walking a credibility tightrope these days...

Phil Butler

Should We Get Prepared for a Real “Duck and Cover” Provocation?

Look out! All the signals suggest the liberal order is about to plant a false flag operation smack on Russia's western frontiers. At first, ludicrous claims of Russian troop buildup seemed like propaganda 101, but the craziness has gained momentum now. The steamrolling fear mongering media campaign going in with regard to Russian...

Phil Butler