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Phil Butler

G7 Geniuses Shoot Both Feet with Oil Price Cap

Okay, the message has become crystal clear now. The United States does not want Germany and the rest of Europe to become richer and prosperous anymore, powered by cheap Russian gas. It’s a thing, you know? Getting at the competition. Strangely, ironically, or one might even say comically, India will now become far richer and a lot more prosperous, powered...

Phil Butler

Egypt Joins the New Development Bank as IMF Twists the Screws

Recently, Egypt ratified its participation in the New Development Bank (NDB) founded by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) back in 2014. But interestingly, neither the New York Times nor any other mainstream western media outlet covered the news. Egyptian President...

Phil Butler

The Kazakhstan Gas Situation: A Key Indicator of Things to Come

The western assault on Russia and other rivals is economic. The military conflicts in Ukraine and elsewhere are only symptoms of the competition for the remaining resources that power world economies. This, as well all know, is abundantly clear. A perfect example of how the world is reeling energy-wise can be seen...

Phil Butler