Konrad Stachnio
13.11.2014 Konrad Stachnio

The title of this article is a paraphrase of the famous quote "Save Donbass People From Ukrainian Army," which has recently been converted into a "Save Ukrainian Army From Donbass People". Now it’s time for the Polish version and we have a "Save Polish People From...

22.10.2014 Konrad Stachnio

I've been a journalist for about 25 years, I have been educated in how to lie, cheat, and not to tell people the truth. "I was supported by the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. Why, because I'm pro-American. German and American media are trying to bring...

17.10.2014 Konrad Stachnio

The rebel militia from Donbass discovered mass graves of civilians that had been tortured by the National Guard of Ukraine. Corpses covered with soil were found by sappers who were clearing the reclaimed territories of mines. Victims with their bodies covered...

20.09.2014 Konrad Stachnio

On 21st of September, the so-called "opposition"  in Moscow and St. Petersburg is planning demonstrations that should gather 50-thousand people in the streets against (here I laughed cessation of Russian aggression in Ukraine and the Russian suppression...

12.09.2014 Konrad Stachnio

The next volunteers who want to fight with the 'Global oligarchy' came to Donbas. This time they are French. People from Serbia, Spain, Germany, France, Polish, Israel, the United Kingdom and Greece already fought with Kiev junta...

05.09.2014 Konrad Stachnio

Today, one of the leading Polish newspapers (I won’t tell the name on purpose so as not to advertise it writes that Putin wants the third world war and Poland should only arm itself, building further expansion of NATO and preparing for...

24.08.2014 Konrad Stachnio

"I am dying to find a way to invest in both North Korea and Myanmar. Major changes in these two countries are among the most exciting things I see right now”. Says Rogers in his book; Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets. One would find these...