Christopher Black
08.12.2022 Christopher Black

On Wednesday November 30, Ursula Von der Leyen, the German president of the European Commission, stated that the European Union will set up a specialised tribunal, backed by the United Nations, to investigate and prosecute possible war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine. The French foreign ministry and Kiev regime echoed her remarks...

10.11.2022 Christopher Black

On August 26th 2022 as the US-NATO directed counter-offensive against the Donbass Republics and other Ukrainian regions resisting the NATO installed Nazi friendly regime in Kiev began to take place, the NATO states, led by the United States and Britain, escalated their aggression against China. The Donbass Republics and Russian forces broke the Kiev...

23.08.2022 Christopher Black

In September 2018 I wrote an essay about the brutal murder of Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the Donetsk Republic, by Kiev agents, backed by NATO, who was killed by a bomb on August 31 of that year, signalling the death of the Minsk Agreements and the inevitability of Russia’s special military operation to free Ukraine from the Nazi-NATO yoke. That essay...

23.06.2022 Christopher Black

With the success of Russia’s operations in Ukraine, we have to be concerned about NATO reacting to their strategic defeat by shifting their aggression not only to intense economic and propaganda warfare against Russia but also against Russia’s position in the Baltic region. The blockade imposed on Kaliningrad on June 20th by Lithuania, a NATO member, and approved by the European...

20.05.2022 Christopher Black

Actions have causes. That is a fundamental point of philosophy and of an understanding of the way the world is. Russia’s actions in Ukraine have causes, which necessitated those actions. Unbiased observers know what those causes are and why Russia’s special military operation was a necessary consequence. Russia laid the causes out clearly and what its actions in response would be...

04.04.2022 Christopher Black

The depths to which American propagandists descend have been noted by observers for a very long time. We have witnessed and experienced it our entire lives and the lives of those before us. Enabled by their dominant economic and military power since the Second World War, their propaganda has been an important element of their aggression against...

08.03.2022 Christopher Black

The western mass media and governments have fallen into a frenzy of anti-Russian propaganda over Russia’s military operations in Ukraine. One element of their propaganda war is the claim that Russia’s action is illegal under international law. But is this the case and what does it mean for these countries to make that claim when they have themselves invaded and attacked too many nations...

22.02.2022 Christopher Black

A lot of ink has been spilled lately on whether or not the USA and its NATO alliance promised the USSR that NATO would not expand into the space evacuated by the withdrawal of the Red Army from Europe. It is clear those promises were repeatedly made and clear they were repeatedly broken. There is no historical dispute. Claims to the contrary are propaganda...

20.01.2022 Christopher Black

“When whole communities go to war-whole peoples, and especially civilised peoples-the reason always lies in some political situation, and the occasion is always due to some political object. War, therefore is an act of policy…The political object is the goal, war is the means of reaching it, and means can never be considered in isolation from their purpose.” So wrote Clausewitz many years ago, and so he would...

29.11.2021 Christopher Black

On December 9 and 10 the American President will host a virtual meeting titled a “Democracy Summit” with participation from many countries with all their variety of government and political systems, and even the participation of the Chinese renegade province of Taiwan, justly angering China, perhaps the world’s largest socialist democracy...

28.10.2021 Christopher Black

On October 21 the German Defence Minister warned Russia that NATO will use nuclear weapons against it in case of a Russian attack on its members and then referred to non-existent Russian attacks in the Black Sea and Balkans as examples. This statement reveals the complete moral bankruptcy of the NATO nations, their contempt...

06.10.2021 Christopher Black

On the 24th of July an article appeared on the weblog OpinioJuris written by two British lawyers named Mandelbaum and Borda and a German lawyer named Stegbauer, with the title, “Legitimation Crisis Or Access To Justice? On The Authority of International People’s Tribunals.” It appeared simultaneously on the Uyghur Tribunal website...