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Konstantin Asmolov

Regarding the Russian Foreign Minister’s visit to the DPRK

On October 18–19, 2023, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov paid a ceremonial visit to Pyongyang to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and the DPRK. Following a summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on September 13, the visit was officially announced to the Russian Foreign Minister on October 16, who accepted the invitation to visit the country…

Konstantin Asmolov

Yoon Mee-hyang’s ordeal

The author has frequently come upon the results of politician and businesswoman Yoon Mee-hyang’s actions when investigating…

Konstantin Asmolov

Kim Jong-un’s visit to Russia, part six: consequences for relations between Russia and South Korea

The final article in this author’s series on the state visit by the leader of the DPRK to Russia will focus on its consequences for Russia’s relations with the Republic of Korea. After all, now we are already seeing the first political consequences of the strengthening of Moscow and Pyongyang. The DPRK’s leadership placed a high value on the visit, and as readers may remember, while he was still in Russia Kim Jong-un stated that “now the first priority for our country is our relations with the Russian Federation.” As the KNCA later reported…

Konstantin Asmolov