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Konstantin Asmolov

A Chronicle of the Pre-election Race in ROK: Lee Jae-myung’s Family Problems

As the author has written many times, the 2021-22 election race in South Korea is breaking records in terms of the amount of mud slung at both candidates, and clearly whoever saves the tastiest stuff for last has a better chance of success. It seemed that the scandals surrounding Yoon Seok-yeol’s wife drew attention to the Conservative candidate...

Konstantin Asmolov

Olympic Hanbok Scandal, or Two Types of Nationalism

In his previous material about the tricky relations between China and South Korea this author already mentioned how a demonstration of the traditional Korean clothes was viewed in South Korea. However, this is worth telling in greater detail as this story illustrates the conceptual difference between the two countries’ national policies. So, South Koreans took offence...

Konstantin Asmolov

Self-Exposure of the Myth of North Korean Hackers

More recently NEO wrote that the termination of the DPRK moratorium and a potentially new round of tension could have been caused by a series of hacker attacks on the North Korean Internet in the second half of January 2022, since fortunately back in 2018, the United States stated that the first shot of this war would be fired in cyberspace. Yes, it was not possible to collapse...

Konstantin Asmolov