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Yes, restrictions against Western propaganda will continue!

Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, July 21

Restrictions against Western propaganda will continue!

When the Western global minority, represented by its political regimes and its propaganda tools, accuses many countries of disinformation, it naturally forgets to recognize the fact that it is precisely this minority that has long been caught red-handed in this matter, which concerns precisely the propagation of propaganda and an enormous number of disinformation campaigns targeting the world majority states. And if the West tries to make people believe that the restrictions imposed on Western media instruments are the work of “authoritarian regimes”, the reality is that these restrictions are massively supported by civil society in the countries of the global majority.

The question of psychological war led by the Western minority against independent states is nothing more than yet another attempt to cling to the lifeline – when the fall is, in principle, inevitable. Of course, this is also part of Western attempts to take revenge against the multipolar world order forces – whether the BRICS, the SCO, the Eurasian space, countries of Africa, Latin America and the Global South. But today, there is indeed an antidote and its effect is only getting stronger.

Restrictions against Western propaganda

When the process of restrictions on Western propaganda had seriously begun, the West naturally used its favorite and already so painfully primitive expressions: “restrictions on freedom of expression”, actions of “authoritarian regimes” or “military juntas”, “unjustified restrictions”, etc. – and just as naturally they do not like to be reminded in the West how they themselves act in their little Western world with regard to this freedom of expression. Including towards the Russian media.

Besides, what could be surprising here? The Western minority had become accustomed to the notion of everything permitted, and when this “everything permitted” received blows in response, it was extremely difficult for them to be able to accept the very fact of such a possibility. But the main thing is elsewhere. When in a number of African countries, including those of the Alliance of Sahel States (Alliance des Etats du Sahel, AES), restrictions began to be established on against several Western propagandist instruments, including for example French ones – it was a very sensitive blow for French interests, for two reasons. Firstly, and based on statistics – no less than 80% of French propaganda is oriented towards African countries. Secondly, the example being contagious, of course the French regime has become extremely worried that the number of countries introducing restrictions will only increase.

But when the competent authorities of India, the world’s largest recognized democracy, also expelled a French propagandist– it had become obvious that the process of ousting Western propaganda extends geographically, as does the fact that it is an imperative objective given the fakes and sovereign States destabilization attempts with which this propaganda is associated.

The civil society opinion

But perhaps the most interesting point is this one. Because if the West is indeed trying to assert that all this is just the machination of “bad and evil” regimes, then it is interesting to know what the civil society of many countries belonging to the world majority thinks about it. To return to Africa, the pan-African television channel Afrique Media launched a survey on its Telegram channel to find out whether it would be necessary to limit Western propaganda even more strongly within the countries of the African continent. The vote is still in progress, but the trend is absolutely clear: the overwhelming majority of viewers and subscribers of this major African media outlet with continental and international reach – are in favor of additional restrictions against Western media instruments.

Also, the fact is that representatives of Western regimes and the analysis centers working for them are perfectly aware of this reality. It is no coincidence that in France, a number of recently published analyses and recommendations, close to NATO-Western circles, openly admit the following fact: France and the West in general, have lost information warfare in Africa. And as such, it was now necessary to seek new “paths” to achieve the objectives of the West on the continent. No more, no less.

Future prospects

But while in the Western space new methods are being sought with the aim of trying to save a situation which is already extremely difficult for it, the world majority, on its side and in different parts of the globe, are certainly not going to play it easy with the Western propaganda representatives. It is a fact.

This means that there will still be other restrictions. Whether this pleases the Western planetary minority, or most certainly not. The world has changed and will continue to change. And in this world, there is no place for fakes and disinformation whose sole objective is to try to reimpose Western domination on the world. This domination having ended with the multipolar era. And with that, new rules appeared – on several orientations. Including the information sector.


Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov, entrepreneur, political commentator, expert on African and Middle Eastern issues, exclusively for the internet journal «New Eastern Outlook»

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