For those convinced there are no moments of amazement left in the West-East conflict, this report shows we are not out of the woods yet. The elites, desperate to prop up their waning world order, always seem able to dig up a story to either dehumanise Russia or its leader, Vladimir Putin. This one, for me, literally takes the cake.
In the latest geopolitical circus act, the liberal order managed to drag a Jewish Ukrainian in front of the German parliament to support continued support for Kyiv and Zelensky against mean old Putin and the Russians. Sorry, the quote from 88-year-old Roman Shvartsman is another comparison of two polar opposites, Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin. Here is what Shvartsman said:
“Back then (WW2) Hitler wanted to kill me because I am Jew. Now Putin wants to kill me because I am a Ukrainian.”
If you’re familiar with the reasons for, and the goals of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine, I’ve no doubt your alarm sirens went off like mine did. Why would a Jew, who was allegedly rescued from a Nazi concentration camp by the Red Army, speak of a Russian leader in this way? Does it seem unusual that the Chairman of the Odesa regional Association of Jews, given that Banderites have overrun the city during the Euromaidan and since? Shvartsman’s comments, at the place and time they would do the most “good” where Zelensky is concerned, urged me to dig further.
Survival Above All Else
On the face of it, The Guardian story is a shocker—a small-calibre bullet in Zelensky’s gun. However, here is where things get interesting. As it turns out, the man crying wolf against Putin and the Russians has a puzzling group of friends today. He also has a past from his early days that is cause for questioning. Let me first deal with Roman Shvartsman’s sketchy past, and then turn to his associations with avowed Russophobes.
According to various sources, Roman Markovich Shvartsman was born in 1936 in a Jewish family in Bershad, Vinnytsia Oblast. This city, as some may know, was the site of one of the worst Ghettos created by the invading fascists. The Romanians, at the time on the side of Hitler, made the town into a living hell for Jews and undesirables as part of the Romanian-occupied Transnistria Governorate. Thousands of Jews were starved to death in the ghetto during the Holocaust. Shvartsman was one of the lucky ones who survived. Over half of the Jews living in this ghetto died either of starvation or at the hands of the fascists. When the town was liberated by the Soviets, he would have been 9 years old. Or, at least, this is how old Shvartsman is thought to be.
You see, at the end of WW2, all the archival and personal documents of many Ukraine citizens were burned. So, to establish Shvartsman’s age and presumably his real identity, officials had to essentially piece together who he was, when, and where he was born, and I assume other aspects of his identity. I told you the report would get interesting, didn’t I? As a side note, it’s also interesting to note that during the period before and after the Odesa Trade Union fires ignited by Ukraine’s new breed of Nazis, there is not one mention of a comment from either the Odesa regional Association of Jews, Shvartsman, or any of his modern-day colleagues. This seems strange since the charter of the organization Shvartsman has led has as its goal “countering fascism, extremism and other manifestations of racial discrimination.” Now, we must discuss the current allegiances of this notable Putin hater with the mysterious past. Is it fair to suggest that most people will do or say whatever it takes to survive?
Not Soros Again!
Roman Shvartsman is aligned with some of the world’s worst Russophobic people and organizations. Let’s just take off the gloves here. His roles at the “International Law Against Genocide. International Conference on Russia’s War Against Ukraine” and his association with the Zentrum Liberale Moderne, the Raoul Wallenberg Center for Human Rights, the Atlantic Council, and the Ukrainian Jewish Encounter are telling for several reasons. First, and perhaps foremost, anyone the Atlantic Council is in league with is a branded Russia hater. However, the head of Zentrum Liberale Moderne, Ralf Fücks being pals (see photo here) with billionaire Putin hater George Soros helps me end this report without tasking the reader much more. Just read this December article by Fücks’ organization, “War in Ukraine: We must do more!”
It’s a fair point of inquiry to wonder about the war years and the sketchy histories of so many like Soros, Shvartsman, and even Raoul Wallenberg, who agents of SMERSH in Hungary actually detained on suspicion of espionage at the end of WW2. They supposedly executed the wealthy merchant of 1/16th Jewish ancestry for aiding Nazi war criminals escape prosecution. I must throw in the fact that George Soros helped the Nazis steal the possessions of Jews in Budapest as a teenager. After winning hundreds of millions by breaking the Bank of England, he admitted as much.
It seems to me that Hitler did an abysmal job of killing people who claimed or still avow they are Jewish and survivors. I am also struck by the fact that Vladimir Putin took military action in Ukraine to denazify the country. Now, we are left wondering how many Banderites and Hitler beneficiaries are out there pretending to care about human rights. We never saw them in Odessa when people were burned alive. We only see or hear from them when the Western elites need some propaganda juice.
Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books