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Leonid Slutsky: “BRICS is becoming the most popular organisation for other countries to join”

Yuliya Novitskaya, October 09

In the lead-up to the closing BRICS summit, Chairman of the Duma Committee of International Affairs and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Leonid SLUTSKY answers some questions from New Eastern Outlook.

Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the LDPR Leonid SLUTSKY

What is the reaction of the Collective West to the process of forming a new global majority ‘centred on the ideas and approaches of the Russian president’? What are the main reasons for the unprecedented growth in the popularity of BRICS? How thorough is the media coverage of BRICS events? Read about this in our exclusive interview.
The collective West is jealously following the development and expansion of BRICS, which is successfully turning into an independent centre of global influence

– Leonid Eduardovich, last year you called BRICS the “brand of the new multipolar world order, where there are no double standards and decision-making is not monopolised”. Some days ago you called it the strongest integration association on the planet. In your opinion, what are the main reasons for the unprecedented growth in popularity of BRICS during the last two years?

– Every year BRICS strengthens its influence as an independent centre for the development of a multipolar world. The organisation has already doubled in size and the list of applications for joining it is growing and growing. This year the representatives of Turkey and Azerbaijan expressed such a desire. There is an active dialogue in the BRICS+ format, and the establishment of the status of a ‘partner state’ is being worked on.

I have said many times that the priorities of BRICS remain commitment to international law and the principles of forming a just and multipolar world order. Naturally, as the Russian president has stated, the very existence of BRICS causes irritation and jealousy on the part of the establishment of the countries of the ‘golden billion’. And this is not surprising. Each step on the path of BRICS development brings closer the end of the period of domination of the collective West, although the goal of the organisation has never been ‘friendship against’ any states. The desire for multipolarity and absolute equality within the framework of BRICS undoubtedly make the association attractive to other states.

BRICS is an association of equal member states for the sake of global positive changes, including in the global economy, security and the humanitarian sector. With the increase in the scale of tasks, I am sure that the creation and institutionalisation of a full-fledged BRICS parliamentary association is inevitable.

– You have said more than once that you do not rule out the emergence of a tendency towards creating a BRICS parliamentary dimension in the near future. Are any concrete steps in this direction already being taken?

– BRICS is developing rapidly today. The number of members of the organisation is expanding; Iran, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia have joined Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. One of the most important tasks of the Russian presidency under the motto ‘Strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security’ is to ensure the multifaceted integration of new members, including in the interparliamentary sphere.

This year, the X BRICS Parliamentary Forum was held in St. Petersburg, following which a Protocol to the Memorandum of Understanding on the BRICS Parliamentary Forum was signed and a joint declaration was adopted, consolidating the important role of parliamentary dialogue within the framework of BRICS. It is necessary to strengthen contacts between the parliaments of the countries of the association at all levels.

I am sure that, during the Russian presidency, we must make every effort to institutionalise the parliamentary dimension.

– How would you characterise the reaction of the Collective West to the process of forming a new global majority ‘centred around the ideas and approaches of the Russian president for a multipolar system of world politics and international relations, where the fate of each country will be decided by itself and not in Washington and Brussels’?

– The collective West is jealously following the development and expansion of BRICS, which is successfully turning into an independent centre of global influence. Today, BRICS countries represent the global majority. The Western Mensheviks, peeping from behind the looking glass of the ‘golden billion’, will not stop the development of the organisation and its consistent progress. The global transition to multipolarity and the collapse of the entire unipolar system of U.S. hegemony will also not be stopped.

– On the eve of the closing BRICS summit, which will be held in October in Kazan, 34 countries have already expressed their desire to join the alliance. During my recent conversation with Sergey Ryabkov, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation and the Russian BRICS Sherpa, when I raised the issue of the possible expansion of the alliance, Sergey Alekseevich noted that “as the chairman of the association this year, we are trying to build a balance between expansion and efficiency”. You must agree that this task is incredibly difficult. In your opinion, how do we find the golden mean?

– BRICS is, no doubt, becoming the most popular organisation for other countries to join, yet it is important to remember the various formats of membership in the organisation, for example as a partner state. It is necessary to clearly define the goals of each state and its capabilities within the framework of BRICS. Then we will be able to build the most effective model of interaction at all levels.

Which decisions are you personally awaiting as a result of the BRICS summit in Kazan?

– The summit of heads of state will be a key event of Russia’s BRICS presidency in 2024. Priorities include the promotion of cooperation in the fields of science, high technologies, healthcare, ecology, as well as in the spheres of culture, sports, youth exchanges and civil society. Together with its BRICS partners, Moscow promotes cooperation in the field of renewable energy and nuclear energy, as well as the development of trade and investment ties, ensuring financial stability, including through the transition to mutual settlements in national currencies. In the near future, I hope we will witness the introduction of a common currency.

Some days ago you participated in the BRICS Media Summit. Media, of course, plays a massive role in educating people on the latest news surrounding the bloc. In your opinion, are journalists and bloggers today managing their tasks?

– Journalists, representatives of the media and bloggers play a huge role in today’s world. In terms of BRICS, it is important that as many people as possible have the opportunity to learn more about our association, notable events and decision-making. Currently, journalists are managing well within the framework of BRICS.

– Leonid Eduardovich, we thank you for an honest and sincere talk.


Interview conducted by Yulia NOVITSKAYA, writer, correspondent of “New Eastern Outlook

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